
Quarterly Budget

Quarterly Budget
Reviewing you quarterly spending can help you see patterns and help you and your spouse create future budgets based on previous spending. Make any adjustments going forward to your budget.

Monthly Budgets

Starting a budget and carrying that budget from month to month. Making adjustments to your budget and using online tracking apps to help.
Setting up a monthly budget and tracking it from month to month can help you to achieve your financial freedom and any goals you have for the year.

Annual Budget

Annual Budget
Having a planning meeting with your spouse to plan out your annual spending can help relieve some of the stress of unexpected expenses and making sure your money goes to where your family needs it most.

Large Purchase Planning

Large Purchase Planning
Dare to dream. List out items you would love to buy, so as your income starts to grow, you have goals to save for instead of spending the money every month and never knowing where it went.

Birthday, Christmas, Vacations and Large Purchases

Birthday, Christmas, Vacations and Large Purchases
Planning for birthdays, Christmas, vacations and large spending from the beginning will help take the stress of these family memories and make them something you hopefully look forward to instead of dread.

Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund
Plan and Protect your emergency fund by having the difficult discussion before an emergency happens.

Debt Payoff and Planner

Paying off debt snowball budget getting out of debt gettinf debt free ideas on debt payoff how to live debt free
Plan your debt payments and set goals for the year before you start your annual budget planning.
Family Finance Planner - Level 3 - Wealth Accumulation
Family Finance...
Planning and Creati...
By Victoria Smith
Photo book

Family Giving Trust

Family Giving Trust
Giving is living. Start at the beginning with listing out all the giving you and your family will do for the year.

Why Three Levels?

Why Three Levels?
Confused on the three levels we offer? Each level is for a different spot you are on in your financial planning continuum. Each is a great place to be and each allows you to dig deeper and work harder towards your financial freedom.

Saving For Big Purchases

Saving For Big Purchases
Saving for a big purchase is always hard, especially with stores and credit cards "Buy it Now!" campaigns. Here are a few ideas to help you meet your goals!

Staying in Budget

Staying in Budget
Ideas on how to stay within your budget and how to save for goals. Tackling your budget can be tricky and exhausting. But once you find a plan, it gets easier each month.